Pop-Out Player

Loni Legend


Poor Loni Legend! Just look at her, busting ass at her restaurant! She’s like any typical small-business owner, working hard and dealing with bad employees. Her cook took off. Her waitress no-showed. So there’s Loni, making food and slinging it out to her customers as fast as she possibly can…but that just isn’t good enough. She’s screwed up an order, and the food prep is taking way longer than she imagined! Loni is very worried her customers are going to leave bad reviews on the internet, so she’s willing to make things right for all! That means this petite, ebony slut is going to drop to her knees and open up her eager mouth. After the 5 white boys skull fuck little Loni Legend, they’re going to pound her little cunt until it’s sore. One of the guys is even going to drop his seed deep in her womb. That leaves the other four fellahs, and they’ve got an idea: how do you make the pita and hummus better? Add a little of their own sauce to the recipe, so to speak! Loni’s going to sample the jizz-soaked food, but that doesn’t mean she’s going to like it!

Date: December 23, 2023
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